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Have an Account?

You must login or create an account to register for programs.

When you are creating an Account, make sure that the Member is the legal adult and the participant is the child participating. The Member must be a legal adult and all the info for them be accurate. If not this will cause problems registering when it comes to accepting TPGC Policies. Participants can be added to the account once created.

Please note that if our system detects more than 30 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.

Having difficulty finding a program? Use the side menu options to filter the displayed programs.

Registration is by birth year as our curriculum has been designed for the development stages of each age group. We strongly recommend participants stay in the same age program for the whole school year (September-June), so that they can feel successful.

* Annual insurance & membership fees are required for all participants in addition to program fees.